Eat and get fat, Inject and be thin for Follow the Money
The only toy left for Financieele Dagblad
Overprotective parents for Het Parool
Diversity in toys for Financieele Dagblad
Never enough toys for Financieele Dagblad
AI takes over the ad world for Financieele Dagblad
Toxic lily cultivation for Follow the Money
AI takes over the ad world
Risky prostate surgery for Follow the Money
The male standard in health care is changing
Inflation for Die Zeit
The virtual world is real for De Volkskrant
The virtual world is real for De Volkskrant
Stingy coffeehouse workers
Stingy coffeehouse workers
The joy of drinking for Trouw
The joy of drinking for Trouw
Can you still drive Tesla? For Het Parool
The politics of consumption for Het Parool
Ultra processed food for Wallstreet Journal
Bring your own Xmas dinner for Trouw
Bring your own Xmas dinner for Trouw
Inject yourself happy for Saar Magazine
Turn bad fortune into good for Saar Magazine
Long live happiness for Saar Magazine
EMDR for Saar Magazine
Superstition for Saar Magazine
Happiness cover for Saar Magazine
Healing after hurt for Saar Magazine
The impossibilities of usability for De Volkskrant
Feminine hair loss for Het Parool
The end of a home delivery service for Het Parool
Sweat, 2021
Trendy Wines for Financieele Dagblad
Blood, 2021
Tears, 2021
Factory foods are making us sick
Factory foods are making us sick
Factory foods are making us sick
Book special - Travel books
Book special - Cover
The Male dominated Noble prize for De Volkskrant
Book special - Thrillers
Book special - Self help books
Why are we so busy?
Why are we so busy?
We shop everything online - De morgen
Books on sports
Use all of your Veggies - De Morgen
Environmental consciousness
Shameful behaviour
Use all of your Veggies - De Morgen
Friendship between generations for Trouw
Jobs missing people for Die Zeit
Friendship between generations for Trouw
Soda addiction for NRC
Inflation for Jacobin NYC
Money in relationships for Geld,-
Dare to fail for VPRO
The crap we endure online - Volkskrant
The crap we endure online - Volkskrant
Shop therapy for Geld,-
the DNA puzzle for Antoni
the DNA puzzle for Antoni
Menopause at work
The Measuring of Sience for NWO
The cost of green politics for Die Zeit
Kids and Alcohol, Financieele Dagblad
Kids and Alcohol, Financieele Dagblad
Kids and Alcohol, Financieele Dagblad
Environmental embarrasment
Environmental emberrasment
Kids and Alcohol, Financieele Dagblad
Fuck ups
Fuck ups
Jobs missing people for Die Zeit
The inheritance special for Geld,-
The inheritance special for Geld,-
The inheritance special for Geld,-
The inheritance special for Geld,-
The inheritance special for Geld,-
Menopause for Het Parool
Women at work for Het Parool
The hair special, De Morgen
Women at work for Het Parool
Online shopping for De Morgen
Inflation for Jacobin NYC
Kids and alcohol
Use all of your Veggies - De Morgen
Identity crisis for Mezza
Identity crisis for Mezza
Me my Selfie and I
Women at work for Het Parool
Melk the Musical
Sustainable building for NRC
Science impressions for NWO
Science impressions for NWO
Self driving cars
Trickle down science for NWO
You can't trust your memories
The Search for cancer
Grandparents as daycare centers
Grandparents as daycare centers
The French are coming
City folk moving to the country
City folk moving to the country
Covid and surveillance
Covid and surveillance
Hope in desperate times
The imune
Subletting your second home for Het Parool
Subletting your second home for Het Parool
Living with teens
Reservation culture
Remote working for Het Parool
Remote working for Het Parool
Fat is killing us
The babysitter does the cleaning
Investing in real estate
Pension plans
The future of elderly care
Ode to the Rubiks' Cube for De Morgen
Ode to the Rubiks' Cube for De Morgen
Ode to the Rubiks' Cube for De Morgen
The Measuring of Science for NWO
How to Get enough sleep for Die Zeit
Health snacking for De Morgen
Nightly dining
Nightly dining
How to stay healthy for Die Zeit
How to Keep in touch for Die Zeit
The babysitter does the cleaning
Hunger for Tribune Mag
Censorship in writing for Het Parool
Censorship in writing for Het Parool
The Measuring of Sience for NWO
Tech Dystopia for Tribune Mag UK
Same sex mariage
Who needs the monarchy?
Green flying
Who needs the monarchy?
Who needs the monarchy?
Insula I
Insula II
Menopause at work
Hot yoga
Vegan BBQ special
Vegan BBQ special
How certain plastics ruin male fertility
Nightmode on your phone
V Dirty Lines
Immune to the virus
Immune to the virus
Climate change for Volkskrant
Climate change for Volkskrant
Animal extinction for Volkskrant
Animal extinction for Volkskrant
Generation under pressure
New TV Stations for VPRO
30 years of Golden Calf awards for VPRO
The history of Television comedy for VPRO
The history of radio for VPRO
Holland Festival for VPRO
New TV Stations for VPRO
Radio Piracy, VPRO gids
VPRO New TV Stations
We don't want your organs for WINQ
We don't want your organs for Winq
Friendship between generations
Black hole effect Sir Edmund Mag
How many animals are there for Volkskrant
Tiktok dieting tips
Topless is tops
Climate Rebels for Trouw
Climate Rebels for Trouw
Climate threats
Ode to the Scotty cup
Ode to the Scotty cup
X-mas gifts special for Financieele Dagblad
X-mas gifts special for Financieele Dagblad
The FBI is listening for Het Parool
We have enough for Trouw Tijdgeest
Tiktok dieting tips
Secretly shopping during office hours for WSJ
New green rules for Die Zeit Entrepreneur
Fitfluencer Envy for Volkskrant
Beauty in the corporate world for Volkskrant
Cosmetic Filller Regrets for Volkskrant
Beauty in the corporate world for Volkskrant
Tax special for De standaard
Tax special for De standaard
Tax special for De standaard
Tax special for De standaard